
When It’s Time to Move on to the Next Chapter in Life

Divorce is never easy, even when it’s the best thing for both of you.

Our family law firm will stand by you, negotiate, and represent your best interests throughout the process to ensure the most equitable result.

Planning and strategy are critical in divorce proceedings. When property, assets, and children are involved, emotions run high. Our divorce lawyers will guide you through the process and fight for your rights every step of the way. We’ll help you make the tough decisions and ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible.

How We Help

Life has its share of ups and downs. When the going gets tough, you need a strong advocate in your corner to fight for your rights. You can rest assured that we will keep your best interests at heart every step of the way.

Working with NDL Family Law gives you access to an experienced and caring team of legal professionals well-versed in California divorce law. California has some of the country’s most complicated divorce laws, so approaching these matters with the right strategy from the beginning is often critical to achieving the best possible results.

We offer extensive experience in complex divorce cases, high net-worth divorces, and divorce mediation and will handle every aspect of the legal strategy. Our divorce lawyers are seasoned negotiators and will do their best to settle your divorce out of court whenever possible.

Benefits of Working with NDL Family Law for Your Divorce

You’ll have a plan that covers every angle.

We are here to help you through every step of the process.

You can look forward to a fair and equitable divorce.

We’ll do our best to help you maintain a good relationship with your ex.

Our divorce lawyers understand what you’re going through, and we genuinely care.

In addition to having trusted legal advice to guide you through the process, there are many emotional benefits to consider:

You are not alone.

Your settlement will be equitable and fair.

You won’t have to worry about the future.

You will be able to move on with your life.

Divorce FAQ

If you can’t afford to pay your attorney fees up front, we offer convenient and affordable payment plans. Please reach out to us today to discuss.

Divorce represents the legal dissolution of a marriage, while legal separation does not. If you are divorced, you are free to remarry. While legally separated, you are still married to your ex.

Every couple is different and may choose separation over divorce for various reasons. Religious beliefs, financial ties, children, and insurance concerns may be mitigating factors that preclude divorce.

In an uncontested divorce, you and your partner agree to all terms. If you can concur on custody, division of assets, property, and so on, you can avoid a lengthy and costly court process. Uncontested divorces will save you both significant time, money, and stress.

A contested divorce is when you and your partner cannot agree to some or all of the abovementioned issues. In some cases, contested divorces can be settled through mediation, though it is still more costly and complicated than an uncontested divorce.

If you are the primary earner in the relationship or earn more, you might be required to pay spousal support. If the divorce is uncontested, an amicable agreement with your spouse may help you avoid going to court.

Physical child custody refers to where the child lives, the primary residence.

Legal child custody outlines who is responsible for making critical decisions for the child’s welfare, including medical, educational, and religious choices.

A judge could grant either legal or physical custody or a combination of the two. The decision could also grant sole custody (child lives with one parent, who holds all rights) or joint custody, where both parents share responsibilities for making decisions on the child’s behalf. The judge will always attempt to do what’s best for the child under the circumstances.